Mobile Workstations for Healthcare Canada
Product Spotlight

Mobile Workstations for Healthcare 


The ongoing digital transformation in healthcare has redefined the equipment and machinery that medical practitioners and staff need access to. It’s no surprise then how attention and budget have shifted towards acquiring medical-grade computers (laptops, desktops, and tablets) that meet Health Canada’s ACS/IEC standards. However, for hospitals, clinics, and private practices, and their physicians, nurses, and support staff to effectively use these tools, modern workstations are obviously needed. 

This is where Forsyth Healthcare comes in. 

As Canada’s top supplier of clinical procedure carts, we have spent years developing first-hand knowledge of what healthcare facilities need today, and tomorrow. We know that custom requirements are the norm, not the exception, so we ensure that medical supply procurement personnel can access premium quality workstations that fit their specific needs. Below is a concise breakdown of why we hope your medical facility might consider Forsyth when purchasing mobile workstations for healthcare environments.

Why Healthcare Facilities in Canada Choose Forsyth Healthcare for Their Mobile Workstation Needs

Mobile First

We’re borrowing a term from the digital environment to address the key benefit of Forsyth’s supply of workstations. The term “mobile first” (aka “mobile responsiveness”) is used to convey the necessity of websites and software applications to function properly on handheld devices. In the physical context within a medical facility, workstations need to be mobile in a literal sense. 

Simply put, you are searching for a medical computer on wheels. However, there is nothing simple about this requirement. In a medical facility, workstations need superior casters to ensure they hold up against fast-paced and rigorous situations. Our brands feature premium casters, such as Harloff, which employs premium 5″ Tente® casters for mobile phlebotomy workstations. Mobility improves even more with good sized and sturdy push handles. Another worthwhile consideration is going with premium aluminum or anti-microbial polymer construction (more on this below), which provides for lighter-weight (yet sturdy) workstations that can move more swiftly from room to room and be cleaned effectively.

Premium Adjustable Work Surfaces

We have also handpicked brands that manufacture mobile workstations with superior pneumatic work surfaces that can be adjusted for user heights and ever-changing situations within a medical space. 

Brands such as TouchPoint offer both work surface height adjustment and independant, ergonomic keyboard tray adjustments including height, tilt and rotation. 

InnerSpace Pace carts feature an optional, pneumatic work surface with a 12” height-adjustment range. This work surface can be added to an existing cart at any time.

Superior Construction

So, your computer systems may have been updated for modern patient care, but can the same be said for the construction of your workstations? 

Traditional workstations are manufactured from steel. While these may be ideally suited to some medical environments, standard steel workstations generally don’t feature universal accessory mounting systems or typically include drawer divider sets. And as not in the “Mobile First” category above, they’re heavy. These challenges are solved by the elite aluminum and polymer construction of workstations which are featured in the brand catalogues of Forsyth Healthcare. When you come to Forsyth, you have options, and expert input to help you navigate them

Custom Solutions

Not only do we carry a curated selection of brands and construction options, we ensure that hospitals, clinics, and facilities have access to customizable options for their workstations too. Our brands boast multiple drawer and drawer-slide set-ups, varying locking mechanisms, mounting accessories,  antimicrobial surfaces, protective bumpers, caster possibilities, and a full suite of other configurations and dimensions that account for every environment’s distinctive needs. There are even more than a dozen body colour options to accommodate the aesthetic of your interior spaces.

Assembly Options

Your physicians and staff members need to focus on patient care. Time spent reading instruction manuals to understand how to assemble workstations is time taken away from patients, and in our view, something that should never happen. And if someone makes an assembly error, it can render workstations ineffective and compromise functionality. Unless you employ maintenance or IT staff who are directly experienced in assembly, you just might want to consider working with Forsyth Healthcare. 

As an option, we can take the burden of assembly off your shoulders. We are expert medical workstation professionals and can manage assembly correctly and efficiently. This added service provides peace of mind and will ultimately save you time and free you from related liability concerns. In other words, we’re here to make life easier.  

Contact Forsyth Healthcare to discuss mobile workstation solutions that’ll work within your budget. We’re here to answer any questions you might have and will find a solution that works for your unique needs.

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