Our Blog
Storage Made Simple
Add flexibility with EZ-ADD shelves
Metro has unveiled its latest innovation in storage solutions: the EZ-ADD shelves. Designed to seamlessly integrate with existing Metro wire shelving units, these shelves can be added, removed, or repositioned without the need to disassemble the entire structure. This feature significantly reduces the time and effort typically associated with reconfiguring storage systems.
More than a price tag
“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.”
“Carts are a four letter word.”
But they certainly don’t have to be when you partner with the right team.
Benefits of Bundling Healthcare Storage Products with One Brand
3 key advantages to purchasing healthcare storage carts and solutions from one brand over a piecemeal alternative, from Forsyth Healthcare Canada.
Project Management for Hospital Storage Solutions in BC / Alberta
3 reasons why Western Canada hospitals and large medical facilities should choose Forsyth Healthcare’s project management services for supply storage.
Flexible Endoscope Storage Cabinets in Canada
Safe, secure, and flexible use Endoscope Storage Cabinets that hospitals and medical facilities (and staff) in Canada can trust.